Friday, March 18, 2011

welcome to a VERY bad council site,but at least its something!

so yeah,i know the site is REALLY crappy(thats not cussing)
but its something.

UPDATE: how's the new wallpaper and(slightly) refined gadgets?
im having problems with the wallpare cause most thing it says are too big.


  1. LOL! Do you want me to make a title header? If so it'd be nice if you could mail me some epic pics of Paradox people. For a new background I'd suggest you go to one of those binocular places in FV and get a pic from the vista they show. Thats what I did for the Quad Alliance topic. Im gonna replace it with one of NS though, I think, and use that one of the Ravine on my new Venture Council site. I'm so talkative... blaah... :P

  2. lol! yeah I'm working on it.I'm having some trouble with that,but the main layout is coming.

    what's your e-mail address by the way?
    Mine is ''witout quotes.

    anyways,thanks for the ideas on the binoculars!


    p.s. i think jets grounded cause he gave me his e-mail and i e-mailed him,but no response!
